2020-11-15 (蒙福主日 Sunday Service) 化解误会与冲突 Resolving misunderstanding and conflict – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 15.11.2020

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 化解误会与冲突
Title : Resolving misunderstanding and conflict
经文 : 徒Acts 11:1-18
(彼后2 Pet. 1:5-8)

1) 引起误会的行为
Action that caused misunderstanding: v1-3
i) 一反常态的行为
Something not of usual norm
ii) 与传统观念不符
Conflicting with traditional thinking
iii) 仿佛与真理不符
Seems conflicting with God’s Word
iv) 可引爆冲突分裂
Could cause conflicts and division

2) 成熟的化解方式
Mature way of resolving
i) 不要马上下定论
Do not jump to conclusion immediately
ii) 双方要谦卑沟通
Both parties be humble to communicate
iii) 彼得忍耐的解释
Peter’s patient explanation: v4-17
(a) 自己也困惑 He himself was confused: v4-8
(b)有查验分辨 Did test and discern
(c) 神再三启示 God repeatedly showed him: v9-10
(d)之后有印证 Confirmation after: v11
(e)有证人随行 Accompanied by witnesses: v12
(f) 神再次印证 God confirmed again: v13-15
(g) 神的灵和话 God’s Spirit and Word: v15-16

(h)看见神旨意 Saw the will of God: v17

iv) 最终都为荣耀神
All for the glory of God: v17-18