2020-10-18 (主日 Sunday Service) 耶稣生命中最后那个约瑟 The final Joseph in Jesus’ life – 林義忠牧师 Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 18.10.2020

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 耶稣生命中最后那个约瑟
Title : The final Joseph in Jesus’ life
经文 : 太Mt. 27:57-61; 可Mk. 15:42-46;
Scripture 路Luke 23:50-53; 约John 19:38-41

1) 就只出现那一次
Appeared for just that one time
i) 善用所得的财富
Used his wealth well: v57; 可Mk. 15:46
ii) 善用地位与关系
Used position and connection well:
* v58; 可Mk. 15:43
iii) 献上自己最好的
Offered up his best: v59-60

2) 小器皿的大作用
Powerful impact of a little vessel
i) 保存了耶稣身体
Preserved body of Jesus: v58; 约John 19:38
ii) 成预言实现器皿
Became vessel for fulfilment of prophecy
iii) 空坟墓永久流传
Empty tomb forever remembered