2020-10-11 (主日 Sunday Service) 献上身体事奉神 Offer up our bodies to serve God – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 11.10.2020

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 献上身体事奉神
Title : Offer up our bodies to serve God
经文 : 罗Rom. 12:1-8

1) 事奉乃理所当然
Serving God is a natural act: v1
i) 献上身体当活祭
Offer up bodies as living sacrifices
Holy and pleasing to God

2) 要察验是神旨意
Examine it is God’s will: v2
i) 不要效法这世界
Do not conform to pattern of this world:
* 加Gal. 1:10; 诗Ps. 147:10
ii) 心意更新而变化
Transformed by renewing of mind

3) 事奉神当有态度
Attitudes to adopt for serving God
i) 不要太高估自己
Do not overestimate yourself: v3
ii) 我们都彼此需要
We need each other: v4-8