2020年9月10日 ( 第三堂-青团主日) – 残害教会的扫罗 – 林義忠牧师

蒙福主日 10.09.2020

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 残害教会的扫罗
Title : The church-destroying Saul
经文 : 徒Acts 7:57 – 8:3; 9:1-19

1) 拥有优良宗教知识
Possessed outstanding religious knowledge
i) 在宗教名门下受教
Trained under respectable religious teacher:
* 5:34-35; 22:1-3
ii) 谨守律法热心侍奉
Observed the law and zealous for God:
* 22:3; 26:4-5
Yet destroying and persecuting the church:
* 9:1-2; 22:4-5

2) 扫罗问题出在哪里
What were Saul’s actual problems
i) 有知识没真经历神
Had knowledge but no real encounter with God:
* 9:3-9
Had knowledge but no discernment: * 9:4-5
Had knowledge but no one to guide:
* 9:15-17; 22:14-16