2020年8月30日 – 遭遇逼迫时的反应 Reaction to persecution – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 30.08.2020

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 遭遇逼迫时的反应
Title : Reaction to persecution
经文 : 徒Acts 7:54 – 8:8

1) 为主受逼迫很正常
Very normal to be persecuted for the Lord
i) 魔鬼岂会轻易放过
The devil will not give up easily
ii) 未必每次神迹出现
Miracles may not happen everytime: * 5:17-20, 40
All kinds of persecution even death

2) 但未必要坐以待毙
But no need to wait to die
i) 去留分散随神旨意
God’s will to stay, leave or be scattered: 8:1
Continue to preach the Word nonetheless: 8:4-5, 25
Definitely need the filling of the Holy Spirit:
* 4:8-10, 31; 7:54-56; 9:31