2020年6月7日 – Stephen – the first martyr 司提反–首位殉道者 – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 07.06.2020

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

主题: 司提反–首位殉道者
Title: Stephen – the first martyr

经文 Scripture: 徒 Acts 6:8-15

1) 大有信心圣灵充满
Full of faith and of the Holy Spirit: 徒Acts 6:5
i) 得能力行神迹奇事
Full of power and did miracles and wonders: v8
ii) 以智慧和圣灵说话
Spoke with wisdom and by the Spirit: v10
iii) 受审问时貌像天使
Looked like an angel when being interrogated: v10-15

2) 面对迫害毫不畏惧
Faced persecution without fear: 徒Acts 7
i) 圣灵充满定睛望天
Full of the Holy Spirit and looked up to heaven: * v54-56
ii) 乱石打死前仍饶恕
Forgave before being stoned to death: * v57-60
iii) 门徒分散福音广传
Gospel spread as disciples were scattered: * 8:1-4