2020年5月31日 (主日) 有圣灵充满的分别 The difference of being filled with the Holy Spirit – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 31.05.2020

讲员: 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

主题: 有圣灵充满的分别
Title: The difference of being filled with the Holy Spirit

经文 Scripture: 徒 Acts 2:1-15, 36-41

1) 还没被圣灵充满前
Before being filled with the Holy Spirit
i) 害怕逃跑离开耶稣
Afraid, ran away and left Jesus: * 太Mt. 26:56
ii) 胆怯迴避否认耶稣
Cowardly, avoiding and denying Jesus:
* 太Mt. 26:69-75
iii) 异象模糊没有方向
Unclear vision without direction: 约John 21:1-3

2) 被圣灵充满浇灌后
After being filled with the Holy Spirit
i) 宣扬耶稣不怕群众
Proclaiming Jesus unafraid of crowd:
* 徒Acts 2:14, 36-38
ii) 得能力恩膏和勇气
Received power, anointing and courage:
* 徒Acts 2:38-41; 4:31
* 徒Acts 1:8 “能力” power “权力” authority “威力” impact “爆炸力” explosive “活力” life
iii) 异象清楚义无反顾
Clear vision without turning back: 约John 21:18-19