2020年5月24日 (主日 Sunday Service) 专心传道 Preach carefully – Ps GT Lim

蒙福主日 24.05.2020
讲员: 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

主题 Title: 专心传道 Preach carefully
经文 Scripture: 提后 2 Tim. 4:1-8

1) 专心忍耐到死
Carefully and patiently till death: v6-7
i) 因为必受审判
Because will be judged: v1, 8
* 雅 James 3:1
ii) 时刻专心传道
Preach carefully at all times: v2
* “无论得时不得时” in and out of season
* “总要专心” with careful instruction (right doctrine)
* “教训、责备、警戒、劝勉” teach, correct, rebuke, encourage
iii) 忍耐人的阻挡
Face people’s resistance with patience: v2-5

2) 当尽传道职分
Discharge all the duties of ministry: v5
*林前 1 Cor. 2:1-5
i) 非用高言大智
Not with eloquence or superior wisdom: v1, 4
ii) 只传耶稣基督
Just to preach Jesus Christ: v2
iii) 靠圣灵的大能
By the power of the Holy Spirit: v4-5