2020年5月17日 (Sunday Service 主日) When David was hiding from the enemy 大卫躲避仇敌时 – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 17.05.20
林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

主题: 大卫躲避仇敌时
Title: When David was hiding from the enemy
经文 Scripture: 撒上 1 Sam. 22:1-23

1) 需要躲仇敌保命
Need to save own life from the enemy
i) 面对很邪恶仇敌
Facing very wicked enemy: v17-19
ii) 依然思念敬拜神
Still longing for and worshipping God: *诗Psalm 63
iii) 不停止赞美祷告
Not ceasing in praise and prayer:
* 诗Psalm 57:7-11; 142

2) 没忘记放弃呼召
Not forgetting or giving up on calling
i) 仍然照顾训练人
Still caring for and training people: * v1-4
ii) 尊重顺服神指示
Honoured and obeyed God’s instructions: v5
iii) 财富非他所追求
Was not pursuing wealth:
* 诗Psalm 51:10-13 (撒下2 Sam. 12:13-17)
* 代上1 Chron. 22:13; 29:2-3, 14-16