2019 Dec 8th – 真服事:不后悔 True Serving: No room for regret – Bro. Philip Bong

蒙福主日 08.12.19

讲员:黄锡凌弟兄 (Bro. Philip Bong)
主题 : 真服事:不后悔
Title : True Serving: No room for regret
经文 : 约 John 12:1-7

A) 马利亚真实的服事
Mary’s true serving
1) 贵重的价值
Precious and valuable
2) 明确知道做什么
Very clear about what she was doing
3) 感激主所做的
Grateful to what the Lord did
4) 抓住及时的机会
Seizing the moment

B) 耶稣的称赞
Praised by Jesus:
1) 一件美事
A beautiful thing: 可 Mk. 14:6-9
2) 被神尊重
Honored by God: 约 John 12:26b