2019 Nov 24th – 真遇见耶稣 Truly meet with Jesus – Bro. Wei Hong

蒙福主日 24.11.19

讲员:高伟宏弟兄 (Bro. Wei Hong)
Title : Truly meet with Jesus
经文:约John 4:1-42

The Samaritan Woman
i) 似乎在躲避人群
Seemingly avoiding people: v6-7
ii) 灵里迟钝不开窍
Spiritually slow and dull: v10-15
iii) 生命也一塌糊涂
Life was in a mess: v16-17

When she met with Jesus
i) 属灵眼睛被打开
Spiritual eyes were opened: v19, 25-26
ii) 勇敢的走入人群
Walked towards the crowd courageously: v28-29
iii) 作见证也传福音
Be a testimony and sharing the gospel:
v28-30, 39-42