2019 Sep 1st – Daniel’s fast 但以理的禁食 – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 01.09.19

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
Title : Daniel’s fast
经文:但 Daniel 10

For very important matters
i) 禁食是攻克己身
Fasting is bringing our body into submission:
*v2-3, 12
ii) 非常认真寻求神
Seek God very seriously: v12
iii) 需要靠神得力量
Need strength from God: v8-9, 15-19

Spiritual laws cannot be changed
i) 乃神很喜悦的事
Something God is well pleased with: *v11, 18-19
ii) 会有拦阻要坚持
There will be opposition, must persist: *v13
iii) 绝对有属灵争战
There will be spiritual battle: *v13, 20-21