2019 April 14th – 不可轻敌 Do not underestimate the enemy – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 14.04.19

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
Title : Do not underestimate the enemy
经文:书 Joshua 7:1-13

1) 有神同在百战百胜
Guaranteed victory with God’s presence
i) 竟然有打败仗时候
Occasion of surprise defeat: v4-5
ii) 不要马上消极负面
Do not be negative and pessimistic
straight away: v6-9
iii) 当寻求神探讨原因
Must seek God for reasons: v10-13

2) 被仇敌打败的原因
Reasons for defeat
i) 凭眼见用人的想法
Using human judgement and wisdom: v2-3
ii) 过于自信没求告神
Overly confident and not seeking God: v4
iii) 有隐藏没有认的罪
Unconfessed secret sin: v1, 11-12