2019 March 10th – A lifetime dream 人生的梦想 – Ps GT Lim

蒙福主日 10.03.19

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
Title : A lifetime dream
经文:彼前1 Peter 2:18-25

1) 当以耶稣为榜样
Jesus should be our example
*彼前 1 Pet. 2:18; 可Mk. 8:34-37
i) 以神旨意为目标
God’s will was His goal: 约John 4:31-34
ii) 领受指示并顺服
Received instructions and obeyed:
*太Matt. 17:1-3, 9-12
iii) 存心顺服直到死
Obeyed completely to death: 腓Php. 2:8

2) 神给耶稣的梦想
The dream God gave Jesus
i) 走十架救人的路
Journey of the cross to save:
*约 John 3:16-17; 腓 Php. 2:6-11
ii) 靠与神亲密持续
Persevered through intimate relationship with
God: *太Matt. 26:36-39; 路Luke 22:39-44
iii) 一切只为荣耀神
All for the glory of God:
*腓 Php. 2:10-11