2019 Jan 6th – 惟有此道,别无他路 The only way, no others – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 06.01.19

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
Title : The only way, no others
经文:约John 14:6; 书Joshua 1:8; 诗Ps. 1: 2-3

1) 对真理的态度
Attitude towards God’s truth
i) 不可离开你口
Must not depart from your mouth:
*书Joshua 1:8
ii) 总要昼夜思想
Meditate on it day and night
iii) 还要谨守遵行
Be careful to do and follow:
*太Matthew 7:24-27

2) 行以上的应许
Promises for doing the above
i) 前途一片光明
A bright future ahead:
*诗Ps. 119:105
ii) 所行亨通顺利
Prosperous and successful in all you do:
*书Joshua 1:8; 诗Ps. 1:3

iii) 信心稳固不倒
Firm and unshakeable faith:
*太Matthew 7:25; 罗Romans 10:17