2018 Nov 18th – 谨慎所听所看的 Be careful with what you hear and see – Bro Wei hong

蒙福主日 18.11.18

讲员:高伟宏弟兄 (Bro. Koh Wei Hong)
Title : Be careful with what you hear and see
经文:创Gen. 3

1) 亚当与夏娃
Adam and Eve
i) 听信蛇的话
Listened to the serpent: v1-5
ii) 眼目的诱惑
Visual enticement: v6
iii) 违背神命令
Disobeyed God’s command: v6

2) 承担其后果
Bore the consequences
i) 躲避耶和华
Hid from the Lord: v8-10
ii) 咒诅与痛苦
Curses and sufferings: v16-19
iii) 失去伊甸园
Lost the Garden of Eden: v23-24