2018 Oct 14th – When you feel the Lord has left 当感觉主离开 – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 14.10.18

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
Title : When you feel the Lord has left
经文:徒Acts 1:1-11

1) 要记得主的话语
Remember the Lord’s words: v4-8
i) 不可灰心而离开
Do not be discouraged and leave
ii) 等候相信所应许
Wait for and believe in what was promised
iii) 同心聚集与祷告
Gather and pray with one heart: v12-15
2) 极需要圣灵能力
Really need power of the Holy Spirit
i) 得能力作主见证
Receive power to be witnesses for the Lord: v8
“能力” power = 权力 authority,威力、影响力 impact and influence, 爆炸力 explosive power, 活力 life
ii) 得恩赐和被点燃
Receive gifts and fire: 2:1-4
iii) 得传福音的胆量
Receive boldness to preach the Gospel:
*2:13-14, 40-41; 4:5-10, 17-21, 31