2017 Nov 12th – 罗腾树下 Under the broom tree – Bro Wei Hong

蒙福主日 12.11.17

讲员:高伟宏弟兄 (Bro. Wei Hong)
主题 :罗腾树下
Title : Under the broom tree
经文 :王上 1Kings 19:1-18

1) 耶洗别的一句话
A statement from Jezebel: v2
i) 忘了之前的神迹
Forgot the miracles that God had previously performed
ii) 失去存活的意志
Lost his will to live: v4
iii) 被负面情绪缠绕
Affected by negative emotions: v4, 10, 14

2) 以利亚重新得力
Elijah renewed his strength
i) 实际照顾与供应
God took care and provided: v5-7
ii) 神彰显祂的能力
God manifested His power: v11-12
iii) 神再肯定其身份
God reaffirmed Elijah’s identity: v15-16