2017 Jan 28th – 农历新年 (大年初一) 行孝与看顾亲属 Honouring parents and caring for family – Ps. G.T.Lim

农历新年 (大年初一) 28.01.17
讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
新年信息 :行孝与看顾亲属
New Year’s message: Honouring parents and caring for family

1) 先在自己家学行孝
Learn to honour your parents at home first:
* 提前 1 Tim. 5:4
2) 看顾家人无可指责
Caring for family and not open to blame:
* 提前 1 Tim. 5:7-8

3) 别把责任推给教会
Do not push the responsibility to the church:
* 提前 1 Tim. 5:16