2016 July 31th – 传福音的使命 Mission to preach the Gospel – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 31.07.16
讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

主题 :传福音的使命
Title : Mission to preach the Gospel
经文 :约 John 3:16-21

1) 学习耶稣的榜样
Follow Jesus’ example
i) 道成肉身为救人
Word became flesh to save people:
* 约 John 1:9,14 ; 3:16-21
ii) 如主做世界的光
Be light of the world like Jesus:
*约 John 8:12 ;太Matthew 5:14-16

2) 传福音不可懈怠
Never slack in sharing the Gospel
i) 趁着白日做主工
Do the work of God while it is day:
* 约 John 9:4-5
ii) 用诸般智慧传扬
Proclaim Him with all wisdom:
* 西 Col. 1:28-29