2016 May 15th – 撇下所有跟从主 Leaving everything to follow the Lord – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 15.05.16 讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 Title: 撇下所有跟从主 Leaving everything to follow the Lord
经文 Scripture : 可 Mark 10:17-30

1) 跟从耶稣的代价
The price of following Jesus
i) 看似要撇下所有
Seems to have to leave everything: *v21, 28-29
ii) 看似无情和残酷 Seems heartless and cruel
iii) 看似愚昧和浪费 Seems foolish and wasteful

2) 没损失反得更多
Not losing but gaining even more
i) 在今世必得百倍
Receiving a hundred times in present age: *v30
ii) 在来世必得永生
Receiving eternal life in the age to come
iii) 因为神凡事都能
As all things are possible with God