2016 Feb 21st – 服在权柄下的生命 Living Under Authority – Sis. Tay Chiew Ling

蒙福主日 21.02.16 讲员:郑秋霖姐妹 (Sis. Tay Chiew Ling)
主题 :服在权柄下的生命 Title : Living Under Authority
经文 Scripture :路 Luke 7:1-10 太Matthew 8: 5-13

1) 我在权柄之下 I am under authority
i) 谦卑服从主的权柄 Humbly submit to His Lordship
*约 Jn. 5: 19, 8:28, 12:49 *腓 Phil. 2: 6-11
ii) 活着的不再是我 I am not my own *加 Gal. 2:20
iii) 降服在主所定的领袖之下 Submit to the leaders He places above us
*罗 Rom. 13:2, 提多Titus 3:1, 彼前1 Pet. 2:13

2) 听命并且遵从 Listen and Obey
i) 操练听得准确 Discipline to hear right *约Jn. 10:27
ii) 完全遵守执行 Comply completely not partial
– 挪亚Noah * 创Gen. 6: 22, 7: 5
– 摩西Moses * 出Ex. 7:6, 40:16, 利Lev. 8:4,
民Num. 17:11, 20: 27, 27: 22

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