2015 November 1st – 离群易死 The death risk of isolation – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 01.11.15 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :离群易死
Title The death risk of isolation
经文 Scripture: 彼前 1Pet. 5:5-9

1) 魔鬼如吼叫狮子 Devil like roaring lion: v8
i) 遍地游行寻猎物 Prowling around for prey
ii) 不放弃的等机会
Waiting for opportunity without giving up: *路 Luke 4:13
ii) 不放弃的等机会
Waiting for opportunity without giving up: *路 Luke 4:13
iii) 当谨守警醒防备
Be self-controlled, watchful and alert: v8-9

2) 有离群风险的人 People with isolation risk
i) 不顺服和骄傲者
Rebellious and arrogant people: v5-6
ii) 焦虑烦恼生活者
People anxious and worrying about living: v7
ii) 焦虑烦恼生活者
People anxious and worrying about living: v7
iii) 因苦难失信心者
People losing faith because of tough challenges: v9

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