2015 August 23rd 末世与安息年 The end-time and Shemitah – Pastor GT Lim

蒙福主⽇日 23.08.15 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :末世与安息年
Title : The end-time and Shemitah
经⽂ Scripture :太 Matthew 24:3

1) 安息年的奥秘
The mystery of the Shemitah
i) 安息年当蒙福
Should be blessed during the Shemitah:
a) 超⾃自然的供应
Supernatural providence: 利 Lev. 25:1-13, 20-22
b) 债务全被豁免
All debts cancelled: 申 Deut. 15:1-6
ii) 与末世的关连 Connection with end-time

2) ⽆无知识⽽而灭亡
Destroyed from lack of knowledge:
* 何 Hosea 4:6
a i) ⽣生活⼤大出问题
Encounter great problems in life * 提前 1 Tim. 6:10;
箴 Prov. 23:5;
箴 Prov. 30:25; 6:6-8

ii) 永⽣生也恐失去
Might lose eternal life:
* 太 Mt. 24:3, 36-39, 44, 50-51

ii) 永⽣生也恐失去
Might lose eternal life:
* 太 Mt. 24:3, 36-39, 44, 50-51

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