2015 May 24th – 和睦相处的重要 The importance of living at peace with people – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 24.05.15 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :和睦相处的重要
Title: The importance of living at peace with people
经文 :代上 1Chron. 22:6-10 Scripture

1) 和睦才能建殿
Build the temple when at peace
i) 建殿必要条件
Prerequisite for building the temple:
*代上 1Chron. 22:6-10 ii) 得称神的儿子
Will be called sons of God: v9-10 *太 Mt. 5:9

2) 神很在乎和睦
God is very concerned with living at peace
i) 尽力与人和睦
Make every effort to live at peace:
* 罗 Rom. 12:17-20; 来 Heb. 12:14 ii) 事奉者当和睦
Those who serve must live at peace: *太 Mt. 5:23-24; 诗 Psalm 133

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