2015 May 10th 错误的渴慕动机 The wrong motive for such hunger – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 10.05.15 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :错误的渴慕动机
Title: The wrong motive for such hunger
经文 :徒 Acts 8:9-24 Scripture

1) 表面非常追求渴慕
Appeared very hungry and zealous superficially
i) 真正信主也已受洗
Truly believed in the Lord and baptized: v12-13
ii) 常常跟在使徒旁边
Followed the apostle closely always: v13
iii) 参与服事渴望恩赐
Served together and desired spiritual gifts: v18- 19

2) 动机会错误的原因 Reasons for wrong motive
i) 过去背景和价值观
Past background and values: v9
ii) 看重地位面子利益
Value status, reputation and benefits: v10-12
iii) 被责备后要会悔改
Must repent after being rebuked: v20-24

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