2015 March 22nd – 不认识耶和华的世代 The generation that knew not the Lord – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 22.03.15 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :不认识耶和华的世代
Title : The generation that knew not the Lord
经文 :士 Judges 2:6-19 Scripture

1) 之前的世代都侍奉神
The generation prior to that all served God: v6-7
i) 一起争战与进入应许
Fought and entered God’s promises together
ii) 经历和见过神的作为
Experienced and witnessed God’s works
iii) 死了却没传承给后代
Died but did not pass down to the next generation: v8-10

2) 该如何传承给下一代
How to pass on to the next generation
* 书Joshua 8:30-35
i) 设立祷告和敬拜榜样
Set up example of prayer and worship: v30-31
ii) 常讲论神的话和教导
Always talk about God’s Word and teaching: v34-35; 申 Deut 6:4-7
iii) 常记念和荣耀神作为
Always reiterate and glorify what God has done 书Joshua 4:4-7

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