2014 November 16th – 当无人监督时 Unsupervised – Bro. Wei Hong

蒙福主日 16.11.14 讲员:高伟宏弟兄 (Bro. Wei Hong)
主题 :当无人监督时 Title : Unsupervised
经文 :出 Ex. 32 Scripture

1) 以色列人的反应 Israel’s response
a) 完全失去了方向
Lost direction completely: v1-2
b) 以别神取代真神
Replaced God with other gods: v1-5
c) 以别神取代真神
Replaced God with other gods: v1-5
d) 任意妄为得罪神
Sinned against God recklessly: v6a

2) 最后却自食其果 Suffered the consequence
a) 惹动上头的怒气
Provoked the leader to anger: v10, 19a
b) 且喝下自己的罪 Drank their own sin: v20
c) 且喝下自己的罪 Drank their own sin: v20
d) 死在自己的罪中
Died in their own sin: v27-28, 35