2014 November 2nd – 约瑟饶恕的心 Joseph’s forgiving heart – Pastor GT Lim

蒙福主日 02.11.14 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 Title:约瑟饶恕的心 Joseph’s forgiving heart
经文 Scripture: :创 Gen. 50:15-21

1) 约瑟需要饶恕谁
Who did Joseph need to forgive?
i) 家里很亲近的人
Very close family members:
*创 Gen. 37:3-4; 42:21-23: 50:15-18 ii) 职场他效劳的人
People he served at the work place: *39:13-20
ii) 职场他效劳的人
People he served at the work place:
iii) 最初呼召他的神
The God who called him from the beginning:
*37:5-11; 41:50-52

2) 不饶恕影响一生
Unforgiveness affects your whole life
i) 不要被过去捆绑
Do not be bound by the past
ii) 会影响待人处事
Can affect relationship and work

ii) 会影响待人处事
Can affect relationship and work
iii) 信万事互相效力
Believe all things work for good:
*创 Gen. 50:19-20; 罗Rom 8:28