2014 October 19th – 适应能⼒ The ability to adapt – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主⽇日 19.10.14 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :适应能⼒
Title : The ability to adapt
经⽂文 :腓 Php. 4:10-13 Scripture

1) 适应能⼒力的重要
The importance of the ability to adapt
i) 影响⼼心情和⼈人⽣生 Affects mood and life
ii) 靠主适应各环境
Adapt to every environment through God
*腓 Php. 4:12-13
a) 逆境中不被击垮
Not defeated in adverse situations
b) 顺境中不被绊倒
Not stumbled in good times
ii) 靠主适应各环境
Adapt to every environment through God
*腓 Php. 4:12-13
a) 逆境中不被击垮
Not defeated in adverse situations
b) 顺境中不被绊倒
Not stumbled in good times

2) 约瑟⽴立的好榜样 Good example set by Joseph
*创 Gen. 37:2-4; 39:1-6, 19-23; 41:37-40 i) 顺境逆境都胜过
Overcame both good and adverse times
ii) 每次都同样秘诀 Same secret everytime:
*创 Gen. 39:2-3, 20-21; 41:15-16, 38, 50-52