2014 Sep 7th – 你真的跟从耶稣吗? Are you really following Jesus? – Pastor GT Lim

蒙福主日 07.09.14 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 Title : 你真的跟从耶稣吗? Are you really following Jesus?
经文 Scripture :路 Luke 9:23-26

1) 真正跟从耶稣的人 People who truly follow Jesus
i) 天天背起十架跟从
Take up the cross daily and follow:
*路Luke 9:23
ii) 我们蒙召原是为此
To this we were called:
*彼前1 Pet. 2:21

2) 地上福非福音重点
Earthly blessings not main focus of the Gospel
i) 该传钉十架的基督 Should preach Christ crucified:
*林前1 Cor. 1:22-24
ii) 不要失焦只求祝福
Do not seek blessings only and lose focus:
*西Col. 3:1-3;腓Php. 3:18-20