2014 July 20th – 大卫对神同在的态度 David’s attitude towards God’s presence – Pastor GT Lim

蒙福主日 20.07.14 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 大卫对神同在的态度
Title : David’s attitude towards God’s presence

1) 就很单纯喜欢神同在
Simply loved to be in God’s presence
i) 有神同在就心满意足
Fully satisfied just to have God’s presence:
*诗Ps. 17:15
ii) 胜过世上其他的欢乐
Above all the other pleasures of this world: *诗Ps. 17:14
2) 与神同在有什么好处 Benefits of having God’s presence
i) 无与伦比的各样好处 Unmatched benefits of every kind:
*诗Ps. 16:5-11
ii) 但更重要能越发像神
Even more importantly, to be able to be more
like God:
*诗Ps. 16:7, 11; 罗Rom. 8:29; 腓 Php. 2:5