2014 June 1st – 大卫倒塌的帐幕 David’s fallen tent – Pastor GT Lim

主题 Title:大卫倒塌的帐幕 : David’s fallen tent
蒙福主日 01.06.14 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
经文 Scripture:徒 Acts 15:12-18

1) 神亲自回来修造 God will return to rebuild himself
i) 与新酒浇灌有关 Related to the outpouring of new wine: v16
ii) 因这帐幕已倒塌 For this tent has fallen: v16
iii) 要外邦人寻求主 So the Gentiles may seek the Lord: v17

2) 大卫帐幕的特征 Characteristics of David’s tent
i) 与神亲密的感情 Intimate relationship with God: * 诗Psalm 63
ii) 谦卑悔改的心态 Humble and repentant heart: * 诗Psalm 51
iii) 敬拜赞美的音乐 Music for praise and worship:
* 代上1Chron. 23:1-5, 30; 25:1-7