2014 May, 4th 组长和组员的责任 The responsibilities of leaders and members – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim) 04.05.14
主题 Title:组长和组员的责任: The responsibilities of leaders and
经文 Scripture:彼前 1 Peter 5:1-6

1) 组长当如此事奉 How leaders should serve: v2-3
i) 按神旨意牧养羊 Shepherd flock as God wants
ii) 甘心乐意不贪财 Willing and eager and not greedy for money
iii) 不辖制作羊榜样 Not loading over but be examples to the flock

2) 组员当有的态度 Attitude members should have
i) 顺服以谦卑束腰 Be submissive and clothe with humility: v5-6;来 Heb 13:17
ii) 让组长因你快乐 Be a joy to your leader: 来 Heb. 13:17
iii) 用爱心格外尊重 Hold highest regard in love: 帖前 1 Th. 5:12-13

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