2013 Nov 3rd – Prayer brings transformation – 祷告带来转化 – Sis. Maggie Chum

蒙福主⽇日 03.11.13 讲员:覃莲妹姐妹 (Sis. Maggie Chum)
主题 :祷告带来转化
Title : Prayer brings transformation
经⽂文 :路Luke3:21-22;徒Acts1:8; Scripture 太 Matthew 7:7; 雅 James 4:2;
诗 Psalm 2:8; 约 John 10:10b.
蒙福主⽇日 03. 11. 13 讲员:覃莲妹姐妹 (Sis. Maggie Chum)
主题 :祷告带来转化
Title : Prayer brings transformation 经⽂文 :路 Luke 3:21-22; 徒 Acts 1:8;
Scripture 太 Matthew 7:7; 雅 James 4:2; 诗 Psalm 2:8; 约 John 10:10b.

1) 今天的属灵⼯工⼚厂-教会的建⽴立,要从 哪⾥里开始?
Today’s spiritual factory- Church building, where to start?

2) 为什么建造了圣殿,还要再建造圣 城呢?
Why do we need to build the Holy City, after building the Sanctuary?
以斯拉记 Ezra, 尼希⽶米记 Nehemiah, 哈该书 Haggai,撒迦利亚书 Zechariah
书 Joshua 7:10 *圣殿是敬拜的中⼼心点
The Sanctuary is the center of worship.
The Holy City is the center of administration.
但 Daniel 6:12-27