2013 August 4th – Series of new clothes (8) : Armour – 新衣系列(8):军装 – Pastor G.T. Lim

蒙福主日 04.08.13 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :新衣系列(8):军装
Title : Series of new clothes (8) : Armour
经文 :弗Eph. 6:10-18 Scripture

1) 神赐全副军装 Full armour of God
i) 我们如同精兵
We are like good soldiers: 提后 2 Tim. 2:3-4
ii) 始终都要站稳
To stand firm from beginning to end:
*弗Eph. 6:13-14a

2) 神军装七要点
7 main points of armour of God
i) 真理带子束腰
Buckle waist with belt of truth: v14
ii) 公义的护心镜
Breastplate of righteousness: v14
iii) 平安福音的鞋
Shoes of the Gospel of peace: v15
*可 Mk. 16:20
iv) 灭火信心藤牌
Shield of faith extinguishing flames: v16
v) 戴救恩的头盔 Helmet of salvation: v17
vi) 拿着圣灵宝剑
Take the sword of the Spirit: v17
vii) 灵里祷告不倦
Pray in the Spirit unceasingly: v18