5 晚祷告研讨会 5 Nights Prayer Seminar with Pastor Julius Suubi from Uganda


为配合全国禁食祷告运动,古晋牧者团契特别邀请带动许多地区祷告复兴的祷告使徒,来自乌干达的Juliu Suubi牧师,来实际教导与复兴古晋教会祷告的火。不要错过这学习与复兴的机会!
In conjunction with the national fasting and prayer movement, the KMF has specially invited the apostle of prayer, Pastor Julius Suubi from Uganda, who has initiated prayer revival in many places, to come and teach practically and revive the prayer fire of Kuching churches. Do not miss this opportunity to learn and be revived!

日期Date: 10/09 (二Tues) – 14/09 (六Sat)
时间Time: 7:30pm
地点Venue: 蒙福圣殿 Blessed Chapel
报名费Regitration Fee: RM10