2018 Oct 7th – 常祷告不灰心 Always pray and not give up – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 07.10.18

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
Title : Always pray and not give up
经文:路Luke. 18:1-8

1) 你的问题多严重?
How serious is your problem?
i) 必须常求不放弃
Must keep praying without giving up: v3
ii) 情词迫切地直求
Be persistent and bold in asking: *路Lk. 11:5-8
iii) 神必定伸张正义
God will make sure justice is done: v5

2) 你对神有信心吗?
Do you have confidence in God? : v7-8
i) 相信祂是公义的
Believe He is just
ii) 相信祂是慈悲的
Believe He is kind and merciful
iii) 相信祂是全能的
Believe He is almighty: 路 Luke. 17:5-6