2018 Aug 19th – Who is the enemy? 仇敌是谁? – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 19.08.18

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
Title : Who is the enemy?
经文:林后2 Cor. 10:1-5

1) 要认清仇敌是谁
Must recognise who the enemy is
i) 不是眼前看到的
Not what you see before your eyes: 弗 Eph. 6:12
ii) 要攻破坚固营垒
Demolish strongholds: 林后 2 Cor. 10:4-5
iii) 属灵捆绑与释放
Spiritual binding and loosing: 太 Mt. 18:18-20

2) 必须用属灵兵器
Must use spiritual weapons
i) 赞美敬拜与祷告
Praise and worship and prayer
ii) 谦卑顺服魔鬼逃
Humility and obedience cause the devil to flee:
*雅 James 4:6-7
iii) 学耶稣用神的话
Learn from Jesus to use God’s words:
*太 Mt. 4:1-11