2018 June 24th – 罗得的功课:(三) 连累人又拖延神 Lot’s lessons: (3) Causing trouble to others and delaying God – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 24.06.18

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
Title : Lot’s lessons: (3) Causing trouble to others and delaying God
经文:创Gen 19: 12-29

1) 在神旨意以外之处
At a place outside God’s will
i) 牵涉在没必要事中
Entangled in unnecessary trouble: *14: 11-12
ii) 连累添加别人麻烦
Causing and adding on to others’ troubles:
*14: 13-16
iii) 拖延毁所多玛计划
Delayed God’s plan to destroy Sodom:
*19: 12-17, 22, 29

2) 习惯世界不想离开
Too comfortable with the world and not wanting
to leave
i) 清楚神旨意仍不走
Clearly knew God’s will but not wanting to go:
ii) 还要跟神讨价还价
Wanting to bargain with God still: *v17-23
iii) 妻子没顺服变盐柱
Wife became pillar of salt due to disobedience: