2018 July 8th – 罗得的功课:(四)暂时快乐的基督徒 Lot’s lessons: (4) Christians with temporary happiness – Ps GT Lim

蒙福主日 08.07.18

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
Title: Lot’s lessons: (4) Christians with temporary happiness
经文:创Gen. 19: 1-12

1) 以世界标准做决定
Making decisions using worldly standard
i) 先考量利益与财富
Consider benefits and wealth first:
*创Gen.13: 10-13
ii) 先考量舒适与方便
Consider comfort and convenience first:
*19: 17-20
iii) 但灵里会忧伤痛苦
But spirit will be sad and tormented:
*彼后2 Pet. 2: 6-8

2) 若没活在神旨意里
If not living in God’s will

i) 没结果子无影响力
Not bearing fruit and not influential:
ii) 没影响家人敬畏神
Not influencing family to fear God:
*19:12-16, 26
iii) 最终也是损失惨重
Ultimately suffering a great loss too: