2018 May 20th – 有一子赐给我们 A Son is Given – Sis. Chiew Ling

蒙福主日 20.05.18

讲员:郑秋霖姐妹 (Sis. Chiew Ling)
Title A Son is Given
经文:赛Isa. 9:1-7

1) 预言实现-加利利得荣耀
A Prophecy fulfilled – Galilee honoured: v1
– 从伯利恒出来 come out of Bethlehem:
弥迦 Micah 5:2,
– 童女而生 born of virgin: 赛Isa 7:14
– 以三十块钱sold for 30 pcs of silver:
撒迦利亚 Zech 11: 12
– 手脚被钉hands and feet pierced: 诗Ps 22: 16
– 拈阄分衣cast lot to divide his garment:
诗Ps 22: 18
My God,my God why has thou forsaken me:
诗Ps 22:1
– 与罪人同钉crucified with transgressors:
赛Isa. 53:9, 12
– 死里复活resurrection: 诗Ps. 16:8-11

2) 大光降临
A great light is coming. v. 2-5
i. 带来盼望 bringing hope
ii. 带来喜乐 bringing joy
iii. 带来得胜 bringing victory

3) 有一子赐给我们
A son is given. v. 6-7
i. 奇妙策士
Wonderful Counselor
ii. 全能的神
He is Mighty God
iii. 永在的父
Everlasting Father: 约壹1Jhn 3:1, 诗Ps 103:13

iv. 和平的君
Prince of Peace: 约Jhn 14:27, 太Mt 5:9, 赛Isa. 2: 3-4