2018 April 22nd -God-pleasing offering – 神所喜悦的祭 – Bro. Koh Wei Hong

蒙福主日 22.04.18

讲员:高伟宏弟兄 (Bro. Koh Wei Hong)
Title God-pleasing offering
经文 :利未记 Leviticus 1

1) 乃心甘情愿的献上
Offered up willingly: v2
2) 完全圣洁毫无瑕疵
Completely holy, without blemish or defect:
v3, 9, 10, 13, 16
3) 放下自己愿被破碎
Willing to lay down oneself and to be broken:
v6, 12, 17
4) 完全献上毫无保留
Offered up without reservation: v9, 13, 17