2018 March 4th – 渴慕坐在主脚前 Desire to sit before the Lord – Bro. Philip Bong

蒙福主日 04.03.18

讲员:黄锡凌弟兄 (Bro. Philip Bong)
Title Desire to sit before the Lord
经文 :路Luke 10:38-42

1) 马大 Martha
i) 起先动机是对的–招待主
The initial motive was right – serving the Lord
ii) 变成属血气的–埋怨、评判
Reacted in the flesh – grumbled, criticised
iii) 失去焦点
Lost focus
iv) 所做的都成枉然
Everything done in vain

2) 马利亚 Mary
i) 会知道分辨–与神建立关系的重要性
Able to discern the importance of building the
relationship with God
ii) 愿意付代价–不在乎被批评
Willing to pay a price – Not to be afraid of criticism
iii) 愿意接受教导
Willing to accept rebuke and teaching
iv) 献上最贵的
Offered up the best