2017 Oct 1st – 复兴:(二)恢复影响国家的恩膏 Revival: (2) Reviving the anointing to impact the country – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 01.10.17

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
Title : Revival: (2) Reviving the anointing to impact the country

1) 人看为不可能任务
Impossible mission from human perspective
i) 影响君王做对决定
Influencing the king to make the right decision:
*创Gen. 41:33-41; 斯Esther 7:1-7; 但Daniel 2:12-16, 48-49
ii) 残暴人畏惧的君王
Cruel kings whom all were afraid of
iii) 拯救人命脱离死亡
Rescuing lives from death

2) 他们三个的共同点
Similarities among the three
i) 离乡背井父母不在
Left their homeland and parents not there
ii) 艰难环境脱颖而出
Excelled despite very tough environment
iii) 在神和人眼前蒙恩
Found favours with God and men:
*创Gen. 39:20-23; 斯Esther 2:9; 5:2-3; 但Daniel 1:9