2017 Oct 22nd – 复兴:(五)回应神的呼召 Revival: (5) Responding to God’s call – Ps GT Lim

蒙福主日 22.10.17

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
Title : Revival: (5) Responding to God’s call
经文 :约拿书 Jonah 1

1) 刻意逃避神呼召
Deliberately running from God’s call: 1:1-3
i) 对神旨意不满意
Not pleased with God’s will: 4:1-3
ii) 后果可以很严重
Consequences can be very severe:
* 1:3-5, 12-14
* 3:4
iii) 自己也不会快乐
Personally not happy as well: 4:1-9
* 林前1Cor. 9:16-17

2) 顺服神呼召结果
Results of obeying God’s call
i) 身边的人会得救
People around would be saved: 1:9-16
ii) 自己也经历神迹
Personally experiencing miracles as well:
*1:17; 2:10
iii) 影响整城人悔改
Influencing the entire city to repent: *3:4-10