2017 Aug 6th – 舌头 The tongue – Ps. GT Lim

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :舌头
Title : The tongue

1) 生死在舌头权下
Power of life and death
i) 可结出生命果子
Can bear forth fruit of life: 箴Prov. 18:20-21
ii) 可带来和睦医治
Can bring harmony and healing: 箴Prov. 15:1-4
iii) 可污秽和害死人
Can corrupt and cause death: 雅James 3:5-10

2) 舌头错用的结果
Consequences of misuse
i) 多言多语易有过
Easy to err when words are many: 箴Prov. 10:19
ii) 闲话句句供出来
Called to account for every careless word spoken:
*太Matt. 12:33-37
iii) 不要说无益的话
Do not speak unedifying words: 弗Eph. 4:29