2017 Apr 30th – 但我已经为你祈求 – But I have prayed for you – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 30.04.17

讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :但我已经为你祈求
Title : But I have prayed for you
经文 :路Luke 22:31-32

Jesus is our mediator: 提前1Tim. 2:5-6
Mediator: middleman, go-between, peacemaker,
i) 祂正坐在神的右边
Sitting at the right hand of God: *来Heb. 10:12
ii) 在那边替我们祈求
Interceding for us there: *罗Rom. 8:34
iii) 祂呈现自己为凭据
Presenting Himself as the evidence:
*来Heb. 9:14-15

Came because He knew us well: 约John. 3:16-18
i) 不会因了解而分开
Will not leave because of knowing us too well
ii) 凡跌倒的祂要扶持
He wants to uphold all those who fall:
*诗Psalm 145:14
iii) 靠祂血洁净得侍奉
May serve through the cleansing of His blood:
*来 Heb. 9:14