2017 Apr 16th – 以马忤斯的路上 – On the road to Emmaus – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福复活节主日 16.04.17
Blessed Easter Sunday

讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :以马忤斯的路上
Title : On the road to Emmaus
经文 :路Luke 24:13-35

Spiritually slow of heart and dull mind: v25
i) 用属世眼光判断
Judging with worldly perspective: v18, 20-21

ii) 看不清神的旨意
Unable to see God’s will clearly: v26
iii) 心情信心被影响
Emotions and faith affected: v17

Need Jesus to open our minds: v45
i) 与主亲近与同行
Be close to Jesus and walk with Him: v15, 30-31

ii) 也一定要懂圣经
Must know the Scriptures too: v27
iii) 信心恢复心火热
Faith restored and heart on fire: v32-35