2016 Dec 25th – 智慧博士The wise men – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 25.12.16

讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :智慧博士
Title : The wise men
经文 :太Matthew 2:1-12

1) 智慧人的心志
Hearts and attitudes of wise men
i) 排除万难寻主
Overcoming all obstacles to seek God: v1-2
ii) 献上最好敬拜
Offering up the best to worship: v11
iii) 会分辨人真假
Can discern real or fake: v7-8, 12
2) 我们当有心志
Hearts and attitudes we ought to have
i) 成为真智慧人
To become real wise men
ii) 以见主为喜乐
Regard meeting God as joy: v10
iii) 成那引路的星
To become that guiding star: v9-10, 2